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The greatest number : B type X axis : Mode Correlation Coefficient of DistributionY axis : Number of stocksDec-31-2013300 Day ParameterKOSPI, KOSDAQ Correlation Distribution : B type (Reference) Information is provided "as is" and solely for informational purposes, not for trading purposes or advice, and may be delayed.Information provided by the investment decisions are not legally responsible for. In addition, the informa.. 2014. 6. 4.
Zero Group Correlation Distribution In October 2013, zero correlation of stocks was extract the largest number of events. 114 Stocks list is below ARIRANG KRX100EW ARIRANG LG그룹& CJ씨푸드 CJ프레시웨이 GS리테일 iKon 100 JW중외제약2우B JW중외제약우 KC코트렐 KINDEX 밸류대형 KODEX MSCI KOREA KODEX 단기채권 KODEX 자동차 KODEX 콩선물(H) KOSEF KRX100 KOSEF 고배당 KOSEF 통안채 KOSEF 펀더멘탈대형주 KT LG전자 SG세계물산 SH에너지화학우 SK C&C TIGER 경기민감 TIGER 모멘텀 TIGER 베타플러스 TIGER 커버드C200 TJ미디어 TREX 펀더멘탈.. 2014. 6. 1.
[May-2014] Volume vs TR(True Range) Correlation Distribution TR(True Range) = High Price of intraday - Low Price of intradayX axis : TR vs Volume Correlation CoefficientY axis : Number of stocksMay-2014500 Day ParameterKOSPI, KOSDAQ AnalysisThis data mode of correlation coefficient is 0.7.Kurtosis of the distribution of the correlation is -0.66, and skew is -0.64.The data are to be concentrated in the correlation coefficient 0.7 and The high correlation h.. 2014. 5. 31.
KOSPI, KOSDAQ 2,000 Stocks Sharpe Ratio Distribution X axis : Sharpe RatioY axis : Number of stocksEnd Day : May-2014Time frame : Day Parameter : 1,000 Day KOSPI, KOSDAQ Stock Price AnalysisThis sharpe ratio mode of correlation coefficient is -0.01.Kurtosis of the distribution of the correlation is 43.85, and skew is 3.66.The sharpe ratio are to be concentrated in the correlation coefficient -0.01.High levels of stocks are Tiger 유동자금. 종목 Sharpe TI.. 2014. 5. 28.